Glow in the Dark Signs

Glow in the Dark Signs

Rainbow Safety's range of photoluminescent signs are manufactured in-house, they are designed to be visible even in total darkness. This is essential in smoke filled rooms or where visibility is poor. Our range of photoluminescent safety signs include fire exit signs, fire action signs, fire door signs, fire assembly signs plus many more. If you cannot find the photoluminescent sign that you require then please contact our sales team who will gladly assist you.

Please click here to view our latest fire signs

Dry Riser Inlet Glow In The Dark Sign
The Dry Riser Inlet Glow in the Dark Sign ensures clear, visible identification of the dry riser inlet, enhancing safety during low-light or emergency situations.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Holiday Lets Fire Action Notice Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be read in total darkness. They provide clear identification to all persons on your site. Photoluminescent Fire Action Signs supplied by comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) 2005 Order.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow in the Dark Push Bar To Open Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 10 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 10 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In the Dark Fire Blanket Fire Sign
A Fire Blanket ID Sign clearly marks the location of fire blankets, ensuring quick access to smother small fires or protect individuals from flames.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Hotel Guest House Fire Action Notice Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be read in total darkness. They provide clear identification to all persons on your site. Photoluminescent Fire Action Signs supplied comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) 2005 Order.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Dry Riser Outlet Glow In The Dark Sign
The Dry Riser Outlet Glow in the Dark Sign provides clear, visible identification of the outlet, ensuring quick access during emergencies or low-light conditions.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Arrow Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 11 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 11 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Up Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Fire Hose Reel Sign
A Fire Reel Hose ID Sign indicates the location of fire reel hoses, ensuring quick access for effective fire suppression in emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Operate Nearest Fire Alarm Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be read in total darkness. They provide clear identification to all persons on your site. Photoluminescent Fire Action Signs supplied by comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) 2005 Order.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Wet Riser Outlet Glow In The Dark Sign
The Wet Riser Outlet Glow in the Dark Sign ensures clear visibility for identifying the outlet, aiding quick access during emergencies or low-light conditions.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Turn To Open Arow Left Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 12 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 12 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Water Mist Fire Extinguisher Sign
A Fire Reel Hose ID Sign indicates the location of fire reel hoses, ensuring quick access for effective fire suppression in emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Down Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Refuge Fire Action Notice Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be read in total darkness. They provide clear identification to all persons on your site. Photoluminescent Fire Action Signs supplied comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) 2005 Order.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow in the Dark Turn To Open Arrow Right Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Automatic Fire Door Keep Clear Door Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 13 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 13 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Water Mist Fire Extinguisher Sign
A Water Mist Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of water mist extinguishers, ensuring quick access for effective fire suppression, especially in electrical or flammable liquid fires.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Up Left Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
5 Point Glow In Dark Fire Action Notice Sign - Do Not Use Lifts
5-Point Glow-in-the-Dark Fire Action Notice Sign: Clearly instructs not to use lifts during a fire emergency, ensuring safety and visibility in low light conditions.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow in the Dark Push Pad To Open Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Keep Locked Shut Door Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 14 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 14 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark L2 Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
An L2 Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of L2 powder extinguishers, ensuring quick access for effective fire suppression in various fire emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Up Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Fire Action Notice Sign Welsh/English
Bilingual fire action notice sign in Welsh and English.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Gas Shut Off Valve Glow In The Dark Sign
The Gas Shut Off Valve Glow in the Dark Sign ensures clear visibility for quickly locating and accessing the gas shut-off valve in low-light or emergency situations.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark In Case Of Fire Break Glass Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 15 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 15 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark L2 Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
An L2 Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of L2 powder extinguishers, ensuring quick access for effective fire suppression in various fire emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Down Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Push Door Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 16 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 16 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark P50 Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A P50 Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of P50 foam extinguishers, ensuring quick access for effective suppression of flammable liquid fires.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Man Running Left Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Fire Alarm Call Point Projecting Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 17 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 17 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark P50 Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A P50 Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of P50 foam extinguishers, ensuring quick access for effective suppression of flammable liquid fires.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Man Running Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Fire Extinguisher Projecting Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 18 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 18 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Monnex Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A Monnex Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of Monnex powder extinguishers, ensuring quick access for effective suppression of metal and electrical fires.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit For Emergency Use Only Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Fire Point Projecting Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Dry Riser Sign
A glow-in-the-dark dry riser sign ensures visibility in emergencies, guiding individuals to the dry riser for quick access during fire response in low-light conditions.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 19 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 19 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Monnex Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A Monnex Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of Monnex powder extinguishers, ensuring quick access for effective suppression of metal and electrical fires.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Wet Riser Sign
A glow-in-the-dark wet riser sign ensures visibility in emergencies, guiding individuals to the wet riser for quick access during fire response in low-light conditions.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 20 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 20 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark 3 Point Fire Action Notice Sign (In Event Of Fire Break Glass)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow In The Dark Alcohol Resistant Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
An Alcohol-Resistant Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of extinguishers designed for suppressing alcohol and solvent-based fires, ensuring quick access during emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Flats 1-4 Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Fire Extinguisher Inside Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark 5 Point Fire Action Notice Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow In The Dark Alcohol Resistant Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
An Alcohol-Resistant Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of extinguishers designed for suppressing alcohol and solvent-based fires, ensuring quick access during emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Flats 1-4 (Arrow Left) Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Fire Alarm Symbol Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
3 Point Glow In The Dark Fire Action Sign - Your Assembly Point Is
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow In The Dark Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of extinguishers using non-toxic agents, ensuring quick access for suppressing electrical and sensitive equipment fires.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Flats 1-4 (Arrow Right) Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark 6 Point Fire Action Notice Sign - Any Person Discovering a Fire
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow In The Dark Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of extinguishers using non-toxic agents, ensuring quick access for suppressing electrical and sensitive equipment fires.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Extra Large Glow in the Dark Fire Exit Left Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Flats 5-9 Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark 3 Point Fire Action Notice Sign With Lines To Write Assembly Point Location
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow In The Dark LITH-EX Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A LITH-EX Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of LITH-EX extinguishers, designed for safely combating lithium-ion battery fires, ensuring quick access during emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Extra Large Glow in the Dark Fire Exit Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Flats 5-9 (Arrow Left) Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Incase Of Fire Do Not Use The Lift Fire Action Notice Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow In The Dark LITH-EX Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A LITH-EX Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of LITH-EX extinguishers, designed for safely combating lithium-ion battery fires, ensuring quick access during emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Extra Large Glow in the Dark Fire Exit Up Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Flats 5-9 (Arrow Right) Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Fire Point Fire Action Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow In The Dark Powder M28 Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
A M28 Fire Extinguisher ID Sign marks the location of M28 extinguishers, designed for effective suppression of specific fire hazards, ensuring quick access during emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Extra Large Glow in the Dark Fire Exit Down Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Rooms 1-4 Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Multi Class Foam Fire ID Sign
A multi-class foam fire extinguisher ID sign clearly indicates the appropriate extinguisher for different fire types, ensuring quick identification and safety during emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark 3 Point Fire Action Notice Sign - Raise The Alarm
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Extra Large Glow in the Dark Fire Exit Running Man Left Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Rooms 1-4 (Arrow Right) Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Multi Class Foam Sign
A multi-class foam fire extinguisher ID sign clearly indicates the appropriate extinguisher for different fire types, ensuring quick identification and safety during emergencies.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Fire Action Notice Sign - If You Discover A Fire
These glow in the dark photoluminescent fire action signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Extra Large Glow in the Dark Fire Exit Running Man Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Rooms 1-4 (Arrow Left) Wayfinding Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.