UV Safety Signs

Information is vital to the running of a safe site. Keep staff and visitors up to date on all key issues with these information signs. Traffic routes, site maps, weather information, working conditions and what's going on in and around the site will keep everybody up to speed, avoid accidents accidents and work safely.

Sun Protect UV Skin Safety Board Sign
A customisable Sun UV Safety Board Sign with mirror and optional Deb Stokodem 1L deflector Sun Cream dispenser. Ideal for keeping outside workers and visitors protected from harmful UV rays on your property.
If you need a different design we can help design and print this Sun Board exactly as you need with no additional costs.

Strong weather resistant and ideal for external use.
Includes 200mm x 300mm Mirror feature for ease of sun cream application.
Dial allows you to set the local UV Index conditions.
Optional Deb Stokoderm Sun Protector Dispenser (please see this option from the dropdown)
1L Deb Stokoderm Sun Block Cream refills are widely available
Available as is - with your Logo or Branding added or a unqiue sign layout to suit your needs (please order and send us instructions).