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Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Up Left Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Keep These Premises Tidy Free Standing Sign
Free standing signs for illustrating perfectly what is happening around your chosen area
Made from heavy duty moulded plastic, Free standing signs offer a portable solution to make pople aware of ptential hazards.
These signs stand at 600mm high and perfectly point out the issue.
Caution Crane In Operation Free Standing Sign
Free standing signs for illustrating perfectly what is happening around your chosen area
Made from heavy duty moulded plastic, Free standing signs offer a portable solution to make pople aware of ptential hazards.
These signs stand at 600mm high and perfectly point out the issue.
Visitors Car Park Traffic Sign
These signs are non-reflective aluminium composite which is ideal for car parks, industrial estates and private land (Aluminium Composite has minimal scrap value).

This sign can be fixed to a wall or post
Please select with channel for post mounted signs
Clips will be needed for post mounted signs
Exit Arrow Up Right Sign
This Exit Arrow Up Right Sign is ideal for indicating the nearest fire exit in the premises for emergencies like fire and building evacuation. This fire exit safety sign helps inform people of their nearest escape route in the event of an emergency. It is available in different sizes and materials.

Available in rigid plastic, self-adhesive vinyl and photoluminescent.
PSPA Class B and Class C options are available.
Fire exit signs indicate the shortest route to exit the building
Fire exit signs must be positioned where they are clearly seen with no obstruction.
Live Busbars Electrical Sign
Our live busbars electrical warning sign informs people of electrical hazards around the premises.

Conforms to EN ISO 70 10, where applicable.
Signs are available in a range of sizes and materials.
Provides a warning sign to a potential hazard.
Floor 3 - Floor Level Identification Sign
The Floor 3 Level Identification Fire Sign is designed to meet the latest Fire Safety Regulations. This wayfinding signage helps Fire and Rescue Services easily identify each floor in a block of flats or tower block. It complies with the most recent Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022.
5 Point Glow In Dark Fire Action Notice Sign - Do Not Use Lifts
5-Point Glow-in-the-Dark Fire Action Notice Sign: Clearly instructs not to use lifts during a fire emergency, ensuring safety and visibility in low light conditions.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
English / Welsh Fire Action Sign
The English/Welsh Fire Action Sign provides clear, bilingual instructions for fire safety procedures, ensuring comprehension and quick action during emergencies.

Available in rigid plastic, self-adhesive vinyl, photoluminescent and 3mm brushed aluminium
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Conforms to EN ISO 7010
Provides instructions in the event of a fire.
Floor 14 - Floor Identification Sign - Class C
Floor 14 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services to identify each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Trade and bulk inquiries are welcome. Please email or enter your details by clicking here.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Order your sample pack of glow in the dark material by clicking here.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 14 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 14 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Water Mist Fire Identification Sign
Fire extinguishers signs are ideal to mount above fire extinguishers and help identify the uses of the extinguisher itself. This fire extinguisher sign is available in rigid plastic, self-adhesive vinyl, and glow in the dark photoluminescent.

PSPA Class B and Class C options are available.
Trade enquires welcome please email
The rigid plastic is 1mm in thickness
Free sample of glow in the dark material available
Extra Large Glow in the Dark Fire Exit Down Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Up Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Caution Men Working Overhead Free Standing Sign
Free standing signs for illustrating perfectly what is happening around your chosen area
Made from heavy duty moulded plastic, Free standing signs offer a portable solution to make pople aware of ptential hazards.
These signs stand at 600mm high and perfectly point out the issue.
Cooked Meats Only Sign - 150mm x 200mm
Our cooked meats only hygiene sign acts as a reminder that only cooked meats should be present in a particular area. This helps reduces food comtamination as raw and cook foods need to remain separate. This sign is 150mm x 200mm in size and available in several different material types. Please be aware that the width of this sign is shown first.
Please Wash YourHands After Visiting The Toilet Sign
Help promote good hygiene within the working environment with this please wash your hands after visiting the toilet hygiene sign. This sign is available in self adhesive, rigid plastic and rigid plastic self adhesive backing and is 300mm x 100mm in size. Please be aware that the width of the sign is shown first.
Danger 230 Volts Electrical Sign
Danger 230 Volts Electrical Sign is ideal to warn workers and the public from the dangers of electricity. These signs should be in a prominent position as it is crucial to warn everyone, the risk of fatal injuries. 

Conforms to EN ISO 70 10, where applicable.
Signs are available in a range of sizes and materials.
Provides a warning sign to a potential hazard.
No Hoods Sign
The No Hoods Sign from is designed to meet UK Safety regulations. It is available in a choice of sizes and materials, including strong 1mm Rigid Plastic, 1mm Rigid Plastic with a Self-Adhesive backing, and a Self-Adhesive Vinyl Sign.
Floor 4 - Floor Level Identification Sign
The Floor 4 Level Identification Fire Sign is created to adhere to the latest Fire Safety Regulations. This essential wayfinding signage enables Fire and Rescue Services to quickly locate and identify each floor in a block of flats or tower block. It fully complies with the updated Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022.
Gas Shut Off Valve Glow In The Dark Sign
The Gas Shut Off Valve Glow in the Dark Sign ensures clear visibility for quickly locating and accessing the gas shut-off valve in low-light or emergency situations.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Floor 15 - Floor Identification Sign - Class C
Floor 15 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services to identify each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Trade and bulk inquiries are welcome. Please email or enter your details by clicking here.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Order your sample pack of glow in the dark material by clicking here.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 15 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 15 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Arrow Down Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Pack of 10 x Electricity Service Tags 100mm x 150mm - 1mm Rigid Plastic
This mandatory sign is available in a range of sizes and material. It helps to remind staff and visitors what they are required to do whilst on the premises. Make this sign unique to your company by including your logo at no extra cost, just follow the instructions below.
Safety Helmets Must Be Worn On This Site Free Standing Sign
Free standing signs for illustrating perfectly what is happening around your chosen area
Made from heavy duty moulded plastic, Free standing signs offer a portable solution to make pople aware of ptential hazards.
These signs stand at 600mm high and perfectly point out the issue.
Caution Maintenance In Progress Free Standing Sign
Free standing signs for illustrating perfectly what is happening around your chosen area
Made from heavy duty moulded plastic, Free standing signs offer a portable solution to make pople aware of ptential hazards.
These signs stand at 600mm high and perfectly point out the issue.
Fire Hose Reel Sign
Fire extinguishers signs are ideal to mount above fire extinguishers and help identify the uses of the extinguisher itself. This fire extinguisher sign is available in rigid plastic, self-adhesive vinyl, glow in the dark photoluminescent, brushed aluminum, brushed gold, and brushed copper.

The brushed effect is 3mm thick and gives the sign a prestige look to reflect its surrounding
PSPA Class B and Class C options are available.
Trade enquires welcome please email
The rigid plastic is 1mm in thickness
Free samples of the brushed effect are available
Free sample of glow in the dark material available
Curve Top Metals Sign
Ideal for construction companies and to help recycle more made from composite aluminium material, is lightweight and strong. This sign has been designed with a curved top to hang from scaffold poles or skips. This sign can be designed to your requirements. When ordering please state if the sign is to be used on a skip or scaffolding.
Raw Meats Only Sign - 150mm x 200mm
Our raw meats only hygiene sign acts as a reminder that only raw meats should be in a particular area. This helps reduce contamination as it will keep raw and cooked meats separate. This sign is 150mm x 200mm in size and available in a variety of material. Please be aware that the width for this sign is shown first.
Fire Door Keep Clear Aluminum Sign
Fire Door Keep Clear aluminium sign Classy, impressive and durable easy to clean. A professional visual guide to all staff and visitors. Solid 1.5mm thick aluminium x 75mm round. This sign is now available with self adhesive on the back or pre drilled ready to be screwed to a door.
Warning Electric Fence Electrical Sign
Our warning electrical fence electrical warning sign informs people of electrical hazards around the premises.

Conforms to EN ISO 70 10, where applicable.
Signs are available in a range of sizes and materials.
Provides a warning sign to a potential hazard.
Floor 5 - Floor Level Identification Sign
The Floor 5 Level Identification Fire Sign is created to adhere to the latest Fire Safety Regulations. This essential wayfinding signage enables Fire and Rescue Services to quickly locate and identify each floor in a block of flats or tower block. It fully complies with the updated Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022.
Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan PEEP Sign
The Personal Emergency Evacuation Plan (PEEP) sign provides clear instructions for individuals requiring assistance during emergencies, ensuring safe and efficient evacuation procedures.

Available in rigid plastic, self-adhesive vinyl, photoluminescent and 3mm brushed aluminium
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Conforms to EN ISO 7010
Provides instructions in the event of a fire.
Glow in the Dark Multi Class Foam Sign
Fire extinguisher signs are ideal to mount above fire extinguishers and help identify the uses of the extinguisher itself. The fire extinguisher sign is available in glow in the dark photoluminescent rigid plastic and glow in the dark photoluminescent self-adhesive vinyl.

PSPA Class B and Class C Options are available.
Trade inquiries are welcome, please email
The rigid plastic material is 1.3mm in thickness
Can be read in total darkness
Free samples of glow in the dark are available
Glow in the Dark Push Door Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Trade and bulk enquires welcome please email or enter your details by clicking here.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Order your sample pack of glow in the dark material by clicking here.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Floor 16 - Floor Identification Sign - Class C
Floor 16 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services to identify each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Trade and bulk inquiries are welcome. Please email or enter your details by clicking here.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Order your sample pack of glow in the dark material by clicking here.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Floor 16 - Floor Identification Sign
Floor 16 Level Identification Fire Sign to comply with the latest Fire Safety Regulations. Wayfinding signage to assist the Fire and Rescue Services in identifying each floor in a block of flats or tower block. (Complies with latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022)
These glow in the dark photoluminescent Floor Identification Sign can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the Dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Pack of 10 x Gas Service Tags 100mm x 150mm - 1mm Rigid Plastic
This mandatory sign is available in a range of sizes and material. It helps to remind staff and visitors what they are required to do whilst on the premises. Make this sign unique to your company by including your logo at no extra cost, just follow the instructions below.
Extra Large Glow in the Dark Fire Exit Running Man Right Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow in the Dark Exit Man Running Left Sign
This photoluminescent glow in the dark sign is available in rigid plastic or self adhesive. It can be seen in total darkness or smoke-filled room which makes it easier to locate the nearest fire escape route in the event of an evacuation.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
No Entry Free Standing Sign
Free standing signs for illustrating perfectly what is happening around your chosen area
Made from heavy duty moulded plastic, Free standing signs offer a portable solution to make pople aware of ptential hazards.
These signs stand at 600mm high and perfectly point out the issue.
Caution Paslode Nail Gun In Use Free Standing Sign
Free standing signs for illustrating perfectly what is happening around your chosen area
Made from heavy duty moulded plastic, Free standing signs offer a portable solution to make pople aware of ptential hazards.
These signs stand at 600mm high and perfectly point out the issue.
Fire Blanket Sign
Fire extinguishers signs are ideal to mount above fire extinguishers and help identify the uses of the extinguisher itself. This fire extinguisher sign is available in rigid plastic, self-adhesive vinyl, glow in the dark photoluminescent, brushed aluminum, brushed gold, and brushed copper.

The brushed effect is 3mm thick and gives the sign a prestige look to reflect its surrounding
PSPA Class B and Class C options are available.
Trade enquires welcome please email
The rigid plastic is 1mm in thickness
Free samples of the brushed effect are available
Free sample of glow in the dark material available