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  • Size (W x H): 200mm x 300mm clear
  • Size (W x H): 400 x 150mm clear
  • Size (W x H): 150 x 150mm clear
  • Size (W x H): 600 x 400mm clear
  • Size (W x H): 400 x 600mm clear
  • Size (W x H): 80 x 200mm clear
  • Size (W x H): 200mm x 150mm clear
Glow In The Dark Monnex Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
Fire extinguisher signs are ideal to mount above fire extinguishers and help identify the uses of the extinguisher itself. The fire extinguisher sign is available in glow in the dark photoluminescent rigid plastic and glow in the dark photoluminescent self-adhesive vinyl.

PSPA Class B and Class C Options are available.
Trade inquiries are welcome, please email
The rigid plastic material is 1.3mm in thickness
Can be read in total darkness
Free samples of glow in the dark are available
Dining Room Dementia Sign 200 x 300mm
Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.
Toilet Dementia Sign 200 x 300mm
Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.
Laundry Room Dementia Sign 200 x 300mm
Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.
Library Dementia Sign 200 x 300mm
Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.
First Aid Dementia Sign 200 x 300mm
Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.
Cafe Dementia Sign 200 x 300mm
Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.
Garden Dementia Sign 200 x 300mm
Dementia Signs are designed to help people find their way around a care home or even their own home. These signs can help to reduce the feeling of isolation and disorientation that those with dementia can have. Available in Rigid Plastic or Self Adhesive.