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Now Wash Your Hands Sign
Improve hygiene within the working environment with our now wash your hands hygiene sign. This sign is 300mm x 100mm in size and is available in a variety of material. Please be aware that the width of this sign is shown first.
Glow in the Dark Fire Door Keep Locked Shut Door Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Trade and bulk inquiries are welcome please email or enter your details by clicking here
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Order your sample pack of glow in the dark material by clicking here.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Alcohol Resistant Foam Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
Fire extinguisher signs are ideal to mount above fire extinguishers and help identify the uses of the extinguisher itself. The fire extinguisher sign is available in glow in the dark photoluminescent rigid plastic and glow in the dark photoluminescent self-adhesive vinyl.

PSPA Class B and Class C Options are available.
Trade inquiries are welcome, please email
The rigid plastic material is 1.3mm in thickness
Can be read in total darkness
Free samples of glow in the dark are available
Danger Keep Out Sign
Danger Keep Out Sign should be used as a warning to potential dangers on site. This essential safety sign is designed to meet UK safety Regulations and to keep your workplace safe. 

Conforms to EN ISO 70 10, where applicable.
Signs are available in a range of sizes and materials.
Provides a warning sign to a potential hazard.
3 Point Glow in the Dark Fire Action Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow in the Dark Fire Escape Keep Clear Door Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Trade and bulk inquiries are welcome please email or enter your details by clicking here
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Order your sample pack of glow in the dark material by clicking here.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Glow In The Dark Clean Agent Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
Fire extinguisher signs are ideal to mount above fire extinguishers and help identify the uses of the extinguisher itself. The fire extinguisher sign is available in glow in the dark photoluminescent rigid plastic and glow in the dark photoluminescent self-adhesive vinyl.

PSPA Class B and Class C Options are available.
Trade inquiries are welcome, please email
The rigid plastic material is 1.3mm in thickness
Can be read in total darkness
Free samples of glow in the dark are available
Warning Men At Work Sign
Warning Men at Work Sign should be used as a warning to potential dangers on site. This essential safety sign is designed to meet UK safety Regulations and to keep your workplace safe. 

Conforms to EN ISO 70 10, where applicable.
Signs are available in a range of sizes and materials.
Provides a warning sign to a potential hazard.
Rooms 5-9 Wayfinding Indicator Sign
Rooms 5-9: Wayfinding Room Indicator Sign designed to meet the latest Fire Safety Regulations, helping Fire and Rescue Services identify room locations within a block or tower. (Compliant with the latest Fire Safety (England) Regulations 2022).
3 Point Glow in the Dark Fire Action Sign

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C.
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Glow In The Dark LITH-EX Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
Fire extinguisher signs are ideal to mount above fire extinguishers and help identify the uses of the extinguisher itself. The fire extinguisher sign is available in glow in the dark photoluminescent rigid plastic and glow in the dark photoluminescent self-adhesive vinyl.

PSPA Class B and Class C Options are available.
Trade inquiries are welcome, please email
The rigid plastic material is 1.3mm in thickness
Can be read in total darkness
Free samples of glow in the dark are available
Keep Locked Sign
The Keep Locked Sign from is designed to meet UK Safety regulations. It is available in a choice of sizes and materials, including strong 1mm Rigid Plastic, 1mm Rigid Plastic with a Self-Adhesive backing, and a Self-Adhesive Vinyl Sign.
Glow in the Dark Fire Action Notice Sign Welsh/English
Bilingual fire action notice sign in Welsh and English.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
Glow in the dark signs are Class C
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emitting light in darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
L2 Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
This L2 Powder Fire Extinguisher ID Sign is 150mm x 100mm and is used to identify L2 Powder Fire Extinguishers. It reminds you that you can use L2 Powder Fire Extinguishers on Flammable metal fires including lithium but cannot use it on wood and paper textiles, flammable liquids or flammable gas fires.

This type of fire extinguisher sign is ideal for workshops, laboratories, or any other premises where manufacturing may involve risk of flammable metal fires.
Permit To Work Must Be Obtained Sign
The Permit To Work Must Be Obtained Sign from is designed to meet UK Safety regulations. It is available in a choice of sizes and materials, including strong 1mm Rigid Plastic, 1mm Rigid Plastic with a Self-Adhesive backing, and a Self-Adhesive Vinyl Sign.
Sound Horn Drive Slowly Sign
The Sound Horn Drive Slowly Sign from is designed to meet UK Safety regulations. It is available in a choice of sizes and materials, including strong 1mm Rigid Plastic, 1mm Rigid Plastic with a Self-Adhesive backing, and a Self-Adhesive Vinyl Sign.
Keep Gates Closed Sign
The Keep Gates Closed Sign from is designed to meet UK Safety regulations. It is available in a choice of sizes and materials, including strong 1mm Rigid Plastic, 1mm Rigid Plastic with a Self-Adhesive backing, and a Self-Adhesive Vinyl Sign.
Glow in the Dark Fire Door Keep Clear Door Sign
These glow in the dark photoluminescent signs can be clearly read in total darkness. They provide clear instructions to all people on your site.

Available in 1.3mm thick rigid plastic or self-adhesive photoluminescent glow in the dark material.
PSPA Class C
Trade and bulk inquiries are welcome please email or enter your details by clicking here
Charges itself by absorbing light from daylight or artificial light and then emits light in the darkness.
Can be read in total darkness.
Order your sample pack of glow in the dark material by clicking here.
Custom photoluminescent signs are available. To order a custom sign please click here.
Use Hand Sanitiser Sign
Our use hand sanitiser hygiene sign helps to remind people to use hand sanitiser. This sign is 150mm x 200mm in size and available in a variety of material. Please be aware that the width of this sign is shown first.
LITH-EX Fire Extinguisher ID Sign
This LITH-EX Fire Extinguisher ID Sign is 150mm x 100mm in size and is used to identify LITH-EX Fire Extinguishers. It reminds you that LITH-EX Fire Extinguishers can be used on Lithium-Ion Battery fires, wood paper textile fires or live electrical equipment fires but cannot be used on flammable liquids or cooking oil and deep fat fires. 

This LITH-EX Fire Extinguisher Sign is perfect for electronic production plants or other premises where there is risk of Lithium-Ion Battery fires.